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Gardening for the first time, again.

My life had changed dramatically in 2019. It was emotional and hard. I had more time on my hands then ever before.

I needed something to focus on that let me make mistakes, try again, and feel accomplished.

I needed a place to relax my mind. Let time go by without once checking to ask where it went or where is it going.

Gardening was an obvious choice for me. For twenty years I have been a landscape designer, consultant, and 

garden center manager. I gave advice. I drew up plans. I taught classes.

When life threw me a fast one, I fell down. But in my true inner Pioneer Woman fashion, I stood up.

I dusted myself off. I picked up my shovel to begin again. But this time, with only myself and my family in mind. 


My Inspiration...


My mother inspired me to garden. Being from South Carolina and growing up in a home where they lived off the land my mother has carried the cultivating spirit with her where ever she has set up home and to this day, she has a beautiful yard. 

Her gardens are an extension of her soul. She has a genuine love of nature and the beauty that it creates. She talks about and loves plants just as much as I do.

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The Pioneer Woman

The spirit of the Pioneer woman has always inspired me. I imagine the endurance it must have taken to overcome the harsh realities of her surroundings. She was a woman of resilience. She was strong and courageous.

Her priority was feeding, clothing, and taking care of her family.  I believe that even back then, sitting on the porch and enjoying the beautiful scenery of lands so new, were some of her most enjoyable and comforting times.


Wild Texas Muscadine Grapes

Nature Inspires me. I see all of the amazing native plants, wild fruits, berries and nuts that Texas has to offer and it inspires me to plant and grow.


A glass of 14 Hands "Hot to Trot"

Wine has been around for thousands of years. It has been enjoyed in celebration and sipped in times of sadness. It comes from the earth. It inspires your senses. When I enjoy a glass of wine I feel linked to my ancestors, closer to my roots and closer to my own sense of being. 

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